
USA Extrem: Idaho – Cowboys und Milizen

  • May 2023
  • 44mins

  • Documentary
  • Directed by

    Tâm Melacca,

    Gary Grabli,


    Frank Adams,

    Brett Surplus,

    Michael Birdsong,

    Jennifer Ellis


    In Idaho, right-wingers, racists and conservatives are gathering. They reject the state and want to make their own laws. Right-wing militias such as the North Idaho Militia have been active in the region for a long time. Together with the ultraconservatives, they are fighting against a multicultural America and for a new white and Christian colony, separate from the rest of the United States. But the sparsely populated countryside attracts not only radicals, but also more and more middle-class families from the cities. They are excited by the spectacular scenery and the low cost of living. And they want their children to grow up in a supposedly perfect world.