
A Fishes' Recall

  • April 2018
  • 15mins

  • Drama
  • Science Fiction
  • Directed by

    Roxanna Osorio Rincón,

    Christian Mejía Carrascal,

    Christian Mejía Carrascal,

    Andrés Vélez Cuervo



    José Mejía Manjarrés,

    Álvaro Martínez Mejía,

    Geovanny Alfonso Rodríguez Ibarra,

    Amalfi Judith Ferreira Montenegro


    Aníbal, an old fisherman, returns to Nueva Venecia, a village of stilt houses in the heart of the Ciénaga del Magdalena, on the Colombian Caribbean coast, from which he escaped many years ago after a massacre. Sick and exhausted, he has to reconnect with his past in order to reconcile with his memory of pain.